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We invest early because finding growth is more rewarding than following it.

New share offer

Open for investment

  • Invests in early-stage B2B companies
  • Interim tax-free dividend of 2p per share announced
  • See our two-pager for VCT overview
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Diana French talks about the benefits of Venture Capital Trusts

Our three core beliefs

It pays to invest early
We typically invest in early-stage companies because this is where the best potential VCT returns begin.
B2B companies mean better potential returns
We invest in B2B companies because they stand the best chance of being sold for a profit.
Diversification is key to a well-rounded portfolio
We spread the risk by offering diversification in three ways.
Portfolio companies
Business sectors covered
Total dividends paid to date (to December 2024)


Full details of our new share offer:

  • Our approach to venture investing
  • Portfolio companies
  • Investment process
  • How to invest
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A client-friendly explainer for VCTs


A VCT with a dividend track record

Since launch in 2018, the Triple Point Venture VCT has paid out 15p per share in tax-free dividends, including a 2p dividend paid in December 2024. It has an annual dividend target of up to 5p per share. Please note, dividend payments are not guaranteed.

News & Insights

Discover VCT developments

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Early-stage investing explained

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clock icon 7 min read

Why diversification is key to a well-rounded VCT investment

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clock icon 7 min read

Dynamic growth makes a compelling case for VCTs

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clock icon 6 min read

Tax benefits and income potential of VCTs

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clock icon 6 min read

Why VCTs can be a sound investment for high earners

Regional Support

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Triple Point’s dedicated sales team is located throughout the UK.

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Award-winning investment management

Next steps

How do I invest?